Rosa Otermín makes clear what she thinks about Atlético de Madrid: 'The shield...'

Rosa Otermín Speaks Straight on Her Feelings for Atlético de Madrid: 'The shield...'

Rosa Otermín, who's returned to the club of her lifetime, has been clear to Marta Griñán about Atlético de Madrid

Atlético de Madrid, who have just won two consecutive matches at Liga F—the highest division of Spanish feminine soccer—are going after more in the local tournament. Víctor Martín knows that, if they want to compete against the best, they must make their team unbeatable. They are working on that, and they want to make a difference in this endurance championship with players like Rosa Otermín.

The former Sevilla and Betis player, who's returned to the club of her lifetime this summer, has arrived to play a key role. Rosa Otermín, who already thrilled us at the "Welcoming Night", has spoken straight about what Atlético de Madrid means to her. Her words will surely resonate deeply with the Atlético fans.

Atlético de Madrid must control any kind of scare
Rosa Otermín was clear about what she thinks about Atlético de Madrid | Atlético de Madrid Femenino

Rosa Otermín Said Straight What she Thinks about Atlético de Madrid

In an interview with A.S. and Marta Griñán, the Toledo defender made it clear that she is red-white to the core. For example, you have to look at her tattoo, which features Vicente Calderón: “My father instilled it into me.” She is una di noi ("one of us") and has Atlético de Madrid very much inside of her.

She couldn't have been more clear about her return to the club she wants to be at. “It's crazy to come back home. I knew that sooner or later this moment would come, but not how soon. I'm very happy to be home,” she said.

The Meaning of Atlético de Madrid, Explained by Rosa Otermín

Rosa Otermín has no doubts about the meaning that Atlético de Madrid has for her. “The first words that come to mind are my father's. He taught me what it means to be an Atlético de Madrid fan, and also a family member.”

Atlético de Madrid makes a splash in the market: Rosa Otermín returns
The meaning of Atlético de Madrid, explained by Rosa Otermín | Atlético de Madrid

“I have it here, the colous can be felt, as well as pure passion,” said Rosa Otermín, who has alternated between being a starter and a substitute. She wants to take a significant step forward at Atlético de Madrid and, therefore, is looking forward to developing herself.

Rosa Otermín on Atlético de Madrid's "Welcome Night"

“When I was entering the stadium, I was really nervous, I was shaking all over. Then, when I left, I was fine, but when I heard the fans shouting “Atleti, Atleti!" as they passed by... I got goosebumps.”

Rosa Otermín, who has declared that her parents “are not going to miss a single match” in Alcalá, summarized: “I thought I would never experience that moment, I came home feeling like I was eight years old, I swear.”

Rosa Otermín and Atlético de Madrid's Confidence in the Champions League

“We knew it could happen, but it was a hard blow. We were quite screwed when returning from London. But we couldn't think about it any longer because we were starting Liga F, with two games in the same week.”

Rosa Otermín and Atlético de Madrid's confidence in the Champions League
Rosa Otermín and Atlético de Madrid's confidence in the Champions League | Atlético de Madrid Femenino

"We are trying to improve the things we failed at in those games and show here, in front of the fans, that we are going after the League," he said.