A man in a blue suit posing in front of a background with Michelin and Coyote logos, next to the Atlético de Madrid crest.

Matías Prats leaves Atlético Madrid fans speechless: 'It's damaging...'

The famous journalist spoke about La Liga's calendar

The recent schedule of LaLiga matches has caused a stir among Atlético de Madrid fans. With Simeone's team facing Celta at Balaídos on Thursday and Real Madrid in the Madrid derby on Sunday, many Atlético supporters were quick to express their discontent. Among the critical voices, that of renowned journalist Matías Prats has stood out for his forcefulness in pointing out LaLiga's decisions regarding the timing of the matches.

Smiling man with Heineken and Champions League logos in background.
Prats' words | Europa Press

Matías Prats, always attentive to the details that affect the clubs, did not hesitate to question the planning of the matches. In his speech, he explained that in weeks with commitments such as the Champions League, it is understandable that there is less rest between matches.

Forceful with his opinion

However, on this occasion, LaLiga had room to adjust the schedules in a more equitable way. Real Madrid will play on Tuesday at the Bernabéu, while Atlético will have just three days to recover before the derby. Prats stated clearly: “It has not been done because it was not wanted”, making clear his opinion on the management of the schedules.

The issue was not just about words, as ElDesmarque Madrugada also addressed the physical impact of these adjustments. Daniel Pereira, a professional physical trainer, explained that with so little rest, athletes cannot perform at 100%. According to Pereira, the probability of injury increases sixfold when players make very continuous efforts without enough time to recover.

The physical trainer is clear about it

Pereira explained: “It is detrimental to Atlético de Madrid because three days after a match, the players will still be below their maximum speed or vertical jump.” This means that the players will not only be less fresh for the derby, but will also be in a less than optimal physical condition to compete at the highest level.

Atletico Madrid football players argue with the referee during a match.
Risk of injury | Europapress

The fitness coach added a worrying fact: “Footballers who play with less than 72 hours of rest have a risk of up to six times greater of suffering an injury.” This not only puts the physical integrity of the players at risk, but could also significantly affect Atlético’s performance in a crucial match against their eternal rival. Arriving at the derby with less than 100% of their capacities not only puts them at a competitive disadvantage, but also increases the risk of losing key players due to injury.

The debate over the management of LaLiga fixtures is still open and these decisions are likely to continue to generate controversy. Meanwhile, Atlético de Madrid will have to face the challenge of competing with less rest, relying on the preparation and character of its players to overcome the difficulties. Matías Prats, with his usual clarity, has put the focus on a problem that not only affects Atlético, but the integrity of the competition as a whole.