Image of Mario Hermoso celebrating a goal with Atlético de Madrid

Mario Hermoso Leaves Atlético de Madrid Fans Speechless: 'It's here...'

The Spanish centre-back spoke as a former Atleti player

Footballer Mario Hermoso has surprised Atlético de Madrid fans by opening his new coffee shop in the heart of Madrid. This project, called Braco Specialty Coffee, not only stands out for its quality, but also for its unique approach to the coffee experience. For many, coffee has become an essential part of everyday life, and Braco is presented as a gourmet proposal that promises to satisfy the most demanding palates.

Your Own Brand of Coffee

The evolution of coffee in recent years has led many to seek not just a drink, but an experience. Braco stands out in this context, offering an exclusive blend of coffee that comes from three origins: Venezuela, Colombia and Brazil. This unique blend has been crafted to offer flavors that include roasted hazelnuts, chocolate and stone fruits, as Carlos Noguera, the barista at the establishment, explains.

A bearded man with tattoos on his right arm, dressed in a black shirt, stands in a coffee shop called BRACO Specialty Coffee, smiling and leaning on the counter.
Hermoso and his coffee | Europapress

Braco's design also deserves mention. Mario Hermoso wanted to create a minimalist atmosphere where customers can enjoy their coffee in a welcoming environment. Upon entering, one perceives an elegance that breaks with the traditional aesthetics of coffee shops. The experience of consuming a coffee at Braco goes beyond the drink; it is a moment to enjoy and relax.

Hermoso, who is also the owner of the Japanese restaurant Tora, wanted Braco to reflect his love for coffee and its vital energy. "Braccos[the dogs], like coffee, provide a lot of energy, they are dynamic and elegant," says the footballer. This personal bond with the braccos, which are his dogs, adds an emotional touch to the project. The name "Braco" is not only a tribute to his pets, but also to the connection he wants to establish with his customers.

Quality Coffee

Braco's offering is not limited to just a well-made coffee, Mario Hermoso and his team want each customer to feel part of the process. From the moment they arrive, they are encouraged to ask questions and get involved in the selection of their drink. "We want to be the meeting point to enjoy that moment of the day with a good cup of coffee," says Hermoso.

Montage with a coffee maker filling a cup of coffee and three circles with different cocoa drinks from the local CAUA Cacao Roasters in Barcelona
The coffee | Pexels, Instagram, @caua.cacao

The importance of coffee in everyday life cannot be underestimated. For many, it is the way to start the day or relax after work. At Braco, customers can enjoy a coffee in the morning before heading to the office, or share a cup at the end of the workday. This focus on community and socializing adds additional value to the shop.

When asked about his favourite coffee, Hermoso replies: "It depends on the time of day. In the morning, a double espresso; in the summer, my favourite is Cold Brew." This variety shows that Braco not only offers quality, but also options for all tastes.