A coach and a football player with the Spanish flag in the background.

Pablo Barrios confirms the rumors that Cholo Simeone already knew: in hours

The young Atlético player faces a new challenge this afternoon with the Spanish national team jersey.

Pablo Barrios is becoming one of the players to watch out for in Spanish football due to his excellent form and all that he has shown. The player from Moratalaz is having a great time in his career and is vital both at club level and with the U-21s led by Santi Denia, who is delighted with Barrios.

The brand new '8' from Atlético de Madrid is determined to continue being the difference-making player that both Denia and Diego Pablo Simeone want him to be in Spain and at Atlético de Madrid.

Football player in grey Atletico Madrid uniform on the field during a match in the rain.
The U-21 international takes on another new challenge today with Santi Denia | Europapress

This afternoon, Barrios will once again put on the national team jersey at 20:00 in Edinburgh to face the Scottish national team . Coming off his crucial role in the recent Olympic gold medal win in Paris , Barrios faces the qualifiers for the upcoming European Under-21 Championship already consolidated in elite football. Aiming to enter the starting 11 that Denia will announce in a few hours, the young Atlético midfielder is ready to give, once again, his best.

Ready for battle

Barrios knows the importance of the three points at stake this afternoon in the United Kingdom and does not want to let Spain's victory slip away. Being the leader of the 'La Roja' midfield, Barrios hopes to command the national team's engine room for another day and contribute many things to the team. From that position, the Atlético de Madrid player aims to be a difference-maker for another day for a Spain in which he is already a regular in Denia 's schemes.

A soccer player wearing a yellow uniform with the number 6 controls the ball on the field during a match, with spectators in the stands in the background.
Barrios is a difference-maker for his club and his country | Europa Press

The coach himself has spoken on several occasions about the talent of one of his favourite midfielders and how important he is for his team and for Atlético . Denia is in love with the game and quality that Pablo Barrios has and he has made this known to both Diego Pablo Simeone and Luis de la Fuente . The latter being the one who will raise the status of the Madrid native in the not too distant future by calling him up for the Absolute , Barrios is working hard so that this call comes as soon as possible.

Waiting for the Absolute

Many Atlético de Madrid and Spanish national team fans were surprised by the absence of the midfielder from Luis de la Fuente 's recent squad. The Riojan coach agreed on his decision with Santi Denia, who was benefited by being able to call Barrios up for his team, although he knows that his promotion to the senior national team is imminent. At the expense of being able to debut soon with De la Fuente , Barrios has in mind to give his best under the orders of Santi Denia and Diego Pablo Simeone .

A soccer player in a red and white uniform is about to kick a ball in a stadium full of spectators.
Simeone has a lot of faith in one of the great gems of the Atlético youth team | Europa Press

Pillar everywhere

The Madrid native knows that this season is his time to consolidate his place in the elite, having just won Olympic gold and taking on the responsibility of wearing the number '8' with Atlético . His talent did not, and does not, go unnoticed by Cholo Simeone, who has already established him in his usual formations and has placed all his trust in his young star. Determined to continue making history with the team of his life and earn a place in 'La Roja' , Barrios wants to continue contributing great things to his team and his country.