Image of Simeone with Atlético de Madrid

Simeone's great hope: he cancels his transfer to leave him on the bench

The Argentine coach has made his decision regarding this player clear

At Atlético de Madrid, one of the most valuable and fundamental players for Diego Simeone's system is, without a doubt, Ángel Correa. Throughout his years, he has earned the respect of the fans for his ability to make a difference from the bench. He is not always the undisputed starter, but his impact when he enters the field is undeniable, becoming Cholo's "ace up his sleeve."

Correa, the one who unblocks Simeone's matches

Since his arrival at Atlético de Madrid ten years ago, Correa has proven to be a versatile, hard-working and, above all, efficient player. Although he does not always have the same prominence as other teammates, the Argentine's role is crucial for the team. Simeone, who knows him better than anyone, knows that Correa is the type of player who can change the course of a match in a matter of minutes.

A soccer player with tattoos on his right arm and a light green jersey smiles and points with his index finger during a match.
Correa this season | Atlético de Madrid

This is why, season after season, the Argentine coach has opted to keep Correa in the team. It doesn't matter how many new signings arrive or how many names are mentioned to reinforce the squad. In the end, Simeone trusts that Ángel will be the one who, from the bench or in decisive moments, will unblock difficult matches with his skill and his determination.

A signing that never arrives

Despite constant speculation about Correa's possible departure, Atlético de Madrid have opted to keep the Argentine as one of their key players. On more than one occasion, the club has cancelled signings that could have relegated Correa to the background. However, the reality is that few players offer the level of commitment, sacrifice and effectiveness that Correa has demonstrated.

Football player celebrating a goal in the Atlético de Madrid uniform during a match.
Correa celebrating his goal at San Mamés | Google Imagenes

His ability to step in at the most difficult moments of a match and change its course is what makes him a special player. Simeone knows this, and that is why, even when new talents arrive, Correa remains a key part of the team.

An angel on the bench

Correa's history at Atlético de Madrid is one of overcoming challenges. From his arrival with heart problems that delayed his debut, to becoming one of the most beloved players by the fans. His humility and constant work have made him an example for his teammates and for the younger players who dream of success.

Ángel Correa placing his legendary plaque on the Paseo de las Leyendas
Correa with his plate | X: @Atleti

It is no coincidence that, despite not always being a starter, Correa is one of Simeone's favourites. His ability to understand the game, to read the moments of the match and to provide solutions from the bench make him indispensable. Correa is that player who does not complain, does not ask for more prominence, but when he comes on, he gives his all.