Two men, one in a suit and tie and the other in a sports shirt, pose for the camera.

Giuliano Simeone no longer hides what he has done for his father: Gil Marín is emotional

The youngest of the Simeones was key in a star signing

Giuliano Simeone , the youngest son of Diego Pablo Simeone, has shown his influence beyond football. His role has been key in attracting Julián Álvarez to Atlético Madrid . His loyalty to his father and the club has been crucial, even exciting Miguel Ángel Gil Marín, the team's CEO.

The friendship between Giuliano and Julian Alvarez

The relationship between Giuliano Simeone and Julián Álvarez is not new. Both shared moments during their training camp at the Olympic Games, where they forged a friendship that transcended beyond the field. Giuliano , aware of Julián's potential, did not hesitate to approach him to talk to him about the possibility of joining Atlético de Madrid.

Two men in white and light blue sports clothes walk down a street with suitcases and backpacks, while other people follow them in the background.
Julian and Giuliano Simeone | Instagram

Since then, Giuliano has not stopped insisting to Julián about how beneficial it would be for his career to play under his father. This insistence was not only personal, but was backed by Diego Simeone's vision for Julián Álvarez in the team. The combination of the friendship between the two players and the respect for Diego Simeone was key for Julián to seriously consider the change of scenery.

A bridge between Diego Simeone and Julian Alvarez

Giuliano spoke not only as a friend, but also as a go-between for his father and Julián. He made sure Julián understood Simeone's plans for him at Atlético. He shared details about how he would fit into the team and his potential partnership with Griezmann.

The impact of Giuliano's insistence

Giuliano's persistence was so effective that Julián jokingly told him: "I'm going, tell your father not to call me anymore." This comment reflects the trust that Diego Simeone generated in Julián, which eventually convinced him to join the team.

A young man in a white and light blue sports shirt looking forward with a serious expression.
Giuliano Simeone | Instagram

Gil Marín's emotion at Giuliano's engagement

Giuliano Simeone's involvement in the signing of Julián Álvarez did not go unnoticed in the highest echelons of Atlético de Madrid. Miguel Ángel Gil Marín, aware of the role played by the young Simeone, could not help but feel moved by the commitment that Giuliano showed towards his father and the club. For Gil Marín, these kinds of gestures reinforce the essence of Atlético de Madrid: a club where family ties and passion for the colours play a fundamental role.

The signing of Julián Álvarez is, without a doubt, a great achievement for Atlético de Madrid, but behind this success lies the silent but crucial work of Giuliano Simeone. His dedication has shown that, at Atlético, commitment and loyalty are values that are passed down from generation to generation.