A man in a suit and tie next to a football player with the name "OBLAK" and the number 13 on his shirt.

Gil Marín decided: Jan Oblak knows what to do if he's staying at Atleti

The red-and-white club has made a decision with the Slovenian

Jan Oblak's situation at Atlético de Madrid has taken an unexpected turn. After almost a decade defending the red-and-white goal, the future of the Slovenian goalkeeper hangs by a thread due to his high salary, which has put the club's finances in jeopardy. Gil Marín, Atlético's CEO, has made the club's position clear: if Oblak wants to continue, he will have to accept a significant salary reduction. Otherwise, his departure from the Metropolitano seems inevitable.

Your salary, the biggest problem

Oblak is one of the highest-paid players in the squad and his contract runs until 2028. However, the board is putting pressure on the club to adjust its accounts and the goalkeeper's salary is a key point in these negotiations. The sporting management has informed Oblak's entourage that he must consider a reduction in his salary to remain in the team. This reduction is a condition that Gil Marín has made clear as essential to keep him in the squad.

Jan Oblak ep
Oblak in a match | Europa Press

With the recent signing of Juan Musso, Atlético have hinted that they are willing to look for alternatives in goal. Musso, who arrives with the intention of competing for a starting spot, puts even more pressure on Oblak, who has been an undisputed player for Simeone. The internal competition could cause him to lose his main role, which would not only affect his continuity in the team, but also his future projection within the club.

An exit that seems closer than ever

Oblak does not seem willing to accept the pay cut proposed by Atlético de Madrid. With a valid contract and being aware of his value in the market, the Slovenian goalkeeper would not be against a departure. The Premier League has shown interest in him on several occasions, with clubs such as Manchester United, Chelsea and Manchester City among the possible destinations. In addition, the recent interest of big clubs in Saudi Arabia adds another option for the goalkeeper, especially in view of the million-dollar offers that could arrive from the Gulf.

Oblak in training with Slovenia
Oblak with Slovenia | Atlético de Madrid

The transfer fee for Oblak is estimated to be around 30 million euros, a figure that many European clubs and, of course, Saudi Arabian teams can afford. Although the goalkeeper prefers to stay in Europe for the moment, the financial situation and Atlético's decisions could push him to consider other leagues. Gil Marín has been clear: if Oblak does not accept the salary reduction, Atlético de Madrid will seek his exit.