Atlético de Madrid is left wanting more: they lose the Women’s Cup

Atlético de Madrid is left wanting more: they lose the Women’s Cup

The red and white team, which hopes to take a step forward, comes very close to the title, falling in the final

Atlético de Madrid have finished their participation in the Women's Cup and have done so by losing in the grand final. Víctor Martín 's team did not win the trophy, having lost by the narrowest of margins to KC Current . Thus, they return to Spain with a bittersweet taste in their mouths.

This was the second match they have played on American soil, having previously beaten Kobe in the semi-finals. Runners-up in the Women's Cup , they should see this as a spur to keep improving. With the Champions League ever closer, this is fuel for their motivation.

Debinha, in the 12th minute, finished off Atlético de Madrid
Debinha, in the 12th minute, finished off Atlético de Madrid | Atlético de Madrid

Debinha, in the 12th minute, finished off Atlético de Madrid

It didn't take long for the American team to beat the red and white team on the scoreboard, but they were unable to turn the game around. Debinha , in the 12th minute, was able to beat Lola Gallardo and give her team the win. Despite the red and white team's efforts, they were unable to equalise the match at the stadium where the match was played.

Lola Gallardo praises the stadium where the match was played

After the match, which was part of Víctor Martín 's team's preparation for the new season, Lola Gallardo spoke. The Atlético de Madrid captain was clear about her impressions of the CPKC Stadium . “I feel a little envious of the wonder of this stadium.”

“I am delighted to be here enjoying this infrastructure and I hope that this is not the last of its kind.” With these words, spread by the organisation, the Sevillian wanted to make clear her satisfaction at jumping onto this type of pitch. A good message that could be taken note of in our country.

Victor Martin is full of praise for his rival

For his part, the coach, who will continue working to help his team find its best level, was full of praise for his rival. “I want to congratulate the Current team, they played a great game. We were good, we were able to match the pace of a team that is halfway through its season.”

“I think Current are a great team, the difference has been the intensity they have. Maybe we should have been more direct, but we are still in pre-season and we have a lot to improve.” These words, expressed by Tatiana Pinto , reflect the ambition that this Atlético de Madrid has.

Atlético de Madrid, with its sights set on the Champions League

After the first matches of the season, they have their sights set on the duel against Rosenborg . With only a few weeks left until the Champions League qualifying round begins, they are clear that they must go through. They are ambitious and want to take a significant step forward.

They want to return to the top continental competition as soon as possible, and this is the first step to achieve that. Thus, Atlético de Madrid is clear that they must work harder than ever to continue improving.